Mindoro Island Philippines

Mindoro Island Philippines

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding - Prince William and Princess Catherine

Dubbed as the wedding of the century! Most awaited and watched by thousands and millions of audience around the world. A modern fairy tale witness by our generation. It is the Prince William and Princess Catherine nuptial. 

Majority of migrant Filipinos specially those in Europe became part of this momentum event in the political and socialites circle. Some of them are part of those who camp out near Westminster Abbey. Others lined up to buy memorabilia while most of us waited and watched on comfort of our home television courtesy of live coverage by premier networks.

Now, the queen gave the couple the royal tittle as the Duke and Dutches of Cambridge. Many say's that the wedding symbolizes a lot of hope to the whole world. How about to the Philippines?

Pnoy send his congratulatory message with a wished that they will leave happily and have their love life away from media. He further explain that he sympathize to couples hard time to have privacy in terms of relationship. Does it mean that our President as a bachelor is planning to have his royal wedding too during his term?

When Prince William invited his Filipina Nanny in one of his most precious event in his life. Those it means something to us? Probably a big yes! For about fourteen (14) years as a Nanny to him maybe this Kabayan gave her the most caring and loving service to the Prince. Not only because he is a royal child but maybe like other Filipino Nannies she felt that she is caring her own child or nephew or grandchild. I suppose it is the Filipino way of showing or expressing how she missed their love ones back home. 

With all of the speculations and stories about this royal wedding only one thing is clear to my mind now. The Filipino migrants always play a role in most of the worlds big events like this. Why is it happening? Most probably it is true that from every continent, district, or even the smallest community around the world a Filipino blood is present. That is undebatable perhaps. 

For more video of the royal wedding please click this link: Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Thursday, April 28, 2011

YouTube - KUWENTONG OBRERO | Sahod na Makabuluhan: Kailangang Ipaglaban!

YouTube - KUWENTONG OBRERO | Sahod na Makabuluhan: Kailangang Ipaglaban!

gulfnews : No Filipinos injured in latest Syria violence

gulfnews : No Filipinos injured in latest Syria violence

Manila: Philippine officials said they have yet to receive information on any Filipino injured in Syria during the recent protests.

An estimated 17,000 Filipinos are currently in Syria, including some who are spouses of Syrian nationals while most are household service workers.

"We have not received any information on any Filipino getting hurt in the demonstrations in Syria," Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) spokesman Eduardo Malaya said.

He added that in Daraa, some 110 Filipinos were preparing for repatriation in case it was needed. Daraa, in the southern part of Syria, was the centre of the conflict, officials said.

Filipinos working in Syria have been told by consular officials to restrict movements while those who want to leave the country could do so on their own.

Amid increasing violent crackdowns on anti-government protesters over the past several days that have caused several fatalities, the DFA said in a statement on Tuesday it had raised the crisis alert level in Syria to "level 2."

Voluntary leave

"Alert level 2 entails restriction of movements around said country, avoiding large crowds and areas of protest, and encouraging Filipinos to voluntarily relocate or leave the country at their own cost if they have no pressing need to remain," the DFA said in an official statement.

Filipinos in Syria have been discouraged from non-essential and non-urgent travel, including for tourism purposes, and only returning workers would be allowed to go back.

The warning by the DFA was based on assessments conducted by the Philippine Embassy in Syria.

It added that the DFA was closely monitoring developments in the country, and had briefed members of the Filipino community on the contingency plans.

gulfnews : Philippine TV star faces child abuse charges

gulfnews : Philippine TV star faces child abuse charges

Manila: The Philippines asked state prosecutors on Wednesday to indict the country's most popular television host for child abuse over a show in which a six-year-old was cajoled into simulating a striptease.

Host Willie Revillame could face up to six years in jail if convicted over the show, which caused uproar after the crying boy was persuaded to perform the "striptease" and rewarded with about $230 (Dh844.79).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Titanic's Unknown Child Given New, Final Identity - Yahoo! News

Titanic's Unknown Child Given New, Final Identity - Yahoo! News

Five days after the passenger ship the Titanic sank, the crew of the rescue ship Mackay-Bennett pulled the body of a fair-haired, roughly 2-year-old boy out of the Atlantic Ocean on April 21, 1912. Along with many other victims, his body went to a cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where the crew of the Mackay-Bennett had a headstone dedicated to the "unknown child" placed over his grave.

When it sank, the Titanic took the lives of 1,497 of the 2,209 people aboard with it. Some bodies were recovered, but names remained elusive, while others are still missing. But researchers believe that they have finally resolved the identity of the unknown child -- concluding that he was 19-month-old Sidney Leslie Goodwin from England. [Photo of Sidney Goodwin]

Though the unknown child was incorrectly identified twice before, researchers believe they have now conclusively determined the child was Goodwin. After his recovery, he was initially believed to be a 2-year-old Swedish boy, Gösta Leonard Pålsson, who was seen being washed overboard as the ship sank. This boy's mother, Alma Pålsson, was recovered with the tickets for all four of her children in her pocket, and buried in a grave behind the unknown child.

The effort to verify the child's identity using genetics began a little over a decade ago, when Ryan Parr, an adjunct professor at Lakehead University in Ontario who has worked with DNA extracted from ancient human remains, watched some videos about the Titanic.

"I thought 'Wow, I wonder if anyone is interested or still cares about the unidentified victims of the Titanic,'" Parr said.

A name for the unknown child?

In 2001, with permission from the Pålsson family, the unknown child's remains were exhumed from Fairview Lawn Cemetery, one of the Halifax cemeteries where Titanic victims were interred. Parr had hoped to investigate the identities of other victims as well, though decomposition interfered. Two of the coffins held only mud, and only a 2.4-inch-long (6 centimeter) fragment of an arm bone and three teeth remained of the unknown child. But this was enough.

From these remains, Parr and his team extracted DNA from a section of mitochondria (energy-producing centers of the cells) that rapidly accumulates mutations, called HV1. Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to offspring, so the team compared the unknown child's DNA sequence with samples from the maternal relatives of the Pålsson child. These didn't match.

They broadened their search to include five other boys under age 3 who had died in the disaster. Alan Ruffman, who became involved in the project as a research associate of the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, ultimately tracked down the maternal lines of all six children (including the Pålsson child) with help from genealogists, historians, Titanic researchers, translators, librarians, archivists and members of the families.

By comparing the unknown child's HV1 with these other young Titanic victims, the researchers eliminated all but two of the boys -- Eino Viljami Panula, a 13-month-old Finnish boy, and Sidney Goodwin. [History's Most Overlooked Mysteries]

An expert analysis of the child's teeth put his age somewhere between 9 months and 15 months -- seeming to eliminate Goodwin, who was older. So, the researchers concluded the boy was Panula and, in 2004, published their results.

A second try

But doubts remained. Ultimately, a pair of leather shoes recovered from the unknown child and held in the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic caused the researchers to question the identification.

The shoes had been saved by Clarence Northover, a Halifax police sergeant in 1912, who helped guard the bodies and belongings of the Titanic victims, according to the museum's website. A letter from Northover's grandson, Earle, recounts how the victim's clothing had been burned to stop souvenir hunters. Clarence Northover couldn't bring himself to burn the little shoes, and when no relatives claimed them, he put the shoes in his desk drawer at the police station. In 2002, Earle Northover donated them to the museum. These shoes were too large for a 13-month-old to wear.

Parr and his team attempted the identification again, this time with the help of the U.S. Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory.

They looked at another, less mutation-prone section of the mitochondrial DNA, where they found a single difference that indicated that Goodwin might actually be the unknown child. The Armed Forces lab confirmed this when they found a second, single difference in another section of the DNA.

"Luckily, it was a rare difference, so that is what gives you 98 percent certainty the identification is correct," Parr said.

The loss of a family

Before he died, Sidney Goodwin was traveling on the Titanic with his parents, Frederick and Augusta, and five siblings from England to Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Carol Goodwin, a 77-year-old Wisconsin resident, heard about the ill-fated family from Frederick Goodwin's sisters, one of whom was Carol's grandmother.

"I can't say that it really startled me or amazed me," Carol Goodwin said of the news that the unknown child was her relative. "I guess maybe it had been so long in coming."

As a child, she learned about Frederick Goodwin's family by eavesdropping on conversations between her grandmother and her great aunt.

"They didn't talk about the children that much," Carol Goodwin told LiveScience. "It was their brother who was a favorite brother, how kind he was to them growing up."

Goodwin's interest in family history didn't spark until her 13-year-old granddaughter Becky saw a Titanic exhibit and wrote an essay for school. When her teacher wanted to submit the article to the magazine "Junior Scholastic," Goodwin wanted to check the facts first.

Now Goodwin is working on two books on the subject, a smaller one about the unknown child and a larger book she has titled "The Goodwins Aboard the Titanic: Saga of a Third-Class Family." (The family was traveling third class.) And, in a year, she and her husband plan to take a centennial cruise in memory of the Titanic. [Titanic Versus the Lusitania: Time Determined Who Survived]

On Aug. 6, 2008, relatives of the Goodwin family held a memorial service in Fairview Lawn Cemetery where they now believe Sidney Goodwin was buried under the unknown child's headstone. A cousin read the names of about 50 children who had also perished when the Titanic went down and a bell was rung for each, she said.

A soft, drizzling rain began to fall as the first name was read, and stopped when the list was finished, she recalled. Ultimately, the family left the headstone and the grave as it was.

"The tombstone of the unknown child represents all of the children who perished on the Titanic, and we left it that way," she said.

The remains of the rest of the Goodwins family have never been recovered.

"From those (unidentified bodies) that were buried in Halifax, I have read the coroner's reports for each of them, and nothing fits," she said.

An article describing the genetic analysis that led to the final identification of the unknown child's remains is scheduled to be published in the June 2011 issue of the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics and is already available online.

You can follow LiveScience writer Wynne Parry on Twitter @Wynne_Parry.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

gulfnews : Temperature goes beyond 40 degree Celsius in UAE

gulfnews : Temperature goes beyond 40 degree Celsius in UAE

Al Ain: The mercury has gone up beyond 40 degree Celsius in the internal desert cities forcing field workers to look for shadows and cold drinks to withstand the first pre-summer heat assault.

Forecasters said temperature could go up even further to 42 to 44 degrees on Sunday in some internal areas. It is likely to remain between 31 degree Celsius to 40 degree Celsius in the coastal and 23 degree Celsius to 30 degree Celsius in the mountainous areas.

The National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) said the weather would be fair to partly cloudy in general on Sunday. "It would be relatively hot to hot especially in the internal and western areas of Abu Dhabi emirate," said a duty forecaster.

Winds would be slightly stronger during the day, blowing dust. The conditions are likely to be hazy in some western areas. Sea is expected to be slightly rough in general.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dh12,000 minimum salary for degree holders part of new company classification policy - Emirates 24/7

Dh12,000 minimum salary for degree holders part of new company classification policy - Emirates 24/7

The UAE Ministry of Labour has clarified that new labour law amendments due to be implemented in July this year are aimed at easier categorisation of companies operating in the country.

The new amendments, one of which states degree-holders must be paid a minimum of Dh12,000 per month, however, come as requirements if the company aims to be included under Category I.

A top official at the Ministry of Labour told this website that companies will be classified into three categories [I, II and III], according to skill levels of employees and Emiratisation ratio.

For enterprises to be included under Category I, 20 per cent or more of their total staff must fall under skill levels 1 (degree-holders), 2 (diploma holders) and 3 (unskilled workers).

The salary of employees (both citizens and expatriates) under skill level 1 [holders of Bachelor’s degree or higher] should not be less than Dh12,000, according to the new Labour Ministry resolution.

Salary for diploma holders should not be less than Dh7,000 and for those who fall under skill level 3 should be paid a minimum of Dh5,000 per month.

Minister of Labour Saqr Ghobash said that all establishments should aim to become Category I firms.

Proportion of Emiratis included across the three skill levels should not be less than 15 per cent of total staff strength. It is mandatory for national employees to be registered with one of the public bodies or government funds such as a pension and social security scheme, and avail retirement benefits at the UAE level or at the individual emirate level.

Private sector establishments that make it to the top category can avail several benefits including a waiver in visa deposit fees and bank guarantees, among others. However, if they fail to adhere to the rules, companies will be demoted to the lower categories, said a ministry official.

Category I private sector companies, which do not meet the abovementioned guidelines will be demoted to Category II.

According to Council of Ministers' Decision No 26 of 2010, companies included under Category I will be exempted from paying guarantees on deposits. According to Article V of the Ministerial Resolution, companies listed under Categories II and III must pay bank guarantees.

Category II firms will be further sub-divided into three levels – A, B and C. Firms listed under Category II (A) will be obliged to pay Dh3,000 bank guarantee for each worker, with a maximum of Dh1.5million.

Facilities under Category II (B) will pay a bank guarantee of Dh3,000 for each worker but with a maximum of Dh3m. And companies classified in the Category II (C) will pay bank guarantee of Dh3,000 for each worker with a maximum of Dh5m.

Similarly, establishments under Category III are entitled to pay a bank guarantee of Dh3,000 for each worker with a maximum of Dh10m.

However, the ministry has exempted industrial projects licensed by the Ministry of Economy, as well as companies and institutions under Federal or local government from paying bank guarantees.

Non-profit organisations, cooperative associations, national associations under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs are also exempted from bank guarantee payments.

Similarly, projects approved by the Ministry of Finance need not pay bank guarantee.

No ‘fictitious Emiratisation’

Minister of Labour Saqr Ghobash said once the new categorisation comes in place, it will give establishments an opportunity to enhance their workplace functions and take advantage of the various benefits that await them.

The recommended classification structure has taken into account the current market condition, Emiratisation requirement, salaries and other expenses such as housing etc. whereas the ministry was earlier focusing only on the workplace aspect.

Such requirements are bound to open up more jobs for nationals and will do away with “fictitious Emiratisation”, Ghobash added.

Category I should be the aim of all establishments, he said.

Once categorised, no going back

Meanwhile, Humaid bin Dimas, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour, was quoted by Al Khaleej newspaper as saying in one of the weekly labour meetings that once the establishments are upgraded to Category I, they cannot reduce salaries of employees. If any such incident comes to light, the company will be downgraded.

Bin Dimas also urged companies to adopt WPS [wages protection system] and transfer salaries to banks. The new amendments also include a two-year validity of labour cards and reduced fee for labour transfer, he added.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ang Mahal na Araw Noon at Ngayon

Noon sa aming bayan (Abra de Ilog, Occidenatal Mindoro) ang Mahal na Araw ay tinaguriang fiesta. Bakit kamo? Ika nga ni Nancy Quito Maluluan sa kanyang FB wall “ I am missing the good old days wala na tao sa plaza unlike before. wala na color game, wala na baratilyo, wala na tambay sa flag pole, wala na masyado bakasyonista.....” Ito ang mga ala-ala ng Mahal na Araw noon..

Malayo man ako sa aming bayan ngayon ay di na rin lingid sa akin kung anong meron sa Mahal na Araw ngayon. Masasabi ko siguro na mas payak, tahimik at halos ordinaryong araw na lamang ito. Ang aking katanungan ay ito…. Sa pagbabagong naganap, ito ba ay mas napaganda dahil naging mas mataimtim ang pagdiriwang ng Mahal na Araw o ito ay isang katunayan lamang na sa pag daan ng panahon ay nawala na ang tamis at giliw ng ating bayan sa kanyang mga mamamayan at maging sa mga bisita ng ating bayan?

Ito ba ay epekto ng teknolohiya? Baka naman kasi katulad ko, nasa facebook na rin lang nakatambay ang mga kabataan o bakasyonista ng ating bayan. Di tulad dati, magiliw na naghihintayan ang mga tao sa plaza para sabay-sabay na magsimba o sumama sa prosesyon. Ngayon marahil kung di FB ay malamang sa unlitext na lamang umaasang makakapag-kumustahan.

Ito ba epekto ng pagpapalit ng mga namumuno sa bayan o politika? Hindi natin matatangi na noong mga iilang angkan lamang ang nagpapalitan sa pamumuno sa ating bayan ay sila rin ang madalas may kasamang mga bakasyonista mula sa kamaynilaan. Sila at ang kanilang mga bisita rin ang madalas na tambay sa plaza, at syempre dahil sila ang namumuno sa ating bayan sila rin ang magbibigay permit sa mga baratilyo at color games.. sa pagkakataong ito ang mga taal na taga bayan o karatig na barangay ay hitik din at makikipagsisiksikan.. Dito na nagsisimula ang mala fiestahang dami ng tao at kasiyahan na minsan ay hangang madaling araw. Dito na rin nagsisimula ang mga kursonadahan at hagaran!

Ito ba ay epekto ng pagbabago sa ekonomiya? Dalawang bagay lang po iyan sa usaping ito. Una naghihirap ba ang mamamayan at nagtitipid! Di na lang sila uuwi o magsasama ng bisita kasi nga mahirap ang buhay. Wala na ring handaan dati kasi kahit kailangan mangilin magpapatay pa rin ng baboy kasi may bisita nga di ba? Ikalawa, mas umasenso na ang mga taga Abra! Imbis na mag Mahal na Araw sa ating bayan ay nasa Boracay, Palawan, Puerto Galera, o baka naman Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand o Italy. Doon na lang sila mag ninilay ika nga!

Ano po sa tingin nyo? Alin ang mas mainam? Mahal na Araw Noon o Ngayon?